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Fun & healthy mealtimes!

Mealtimes at Osbourne Lodge are fun, social and healthy times. It’s also a time to try new foods, learn good table manners and help prepare snacks.

We believe in healthy eating and have developed our menus with the WAG Food and Health Guidelines for Early Years and Childcare Settings in mind, providing a well-balanced, nutritious and varied diet.


Healthy & sustainable

The Nursery has obtained the Healthy and Sustainable Pre-school Award and we review our menus with the help of the children. We are very proud to achieve the Gold Standard Small Workplace Health Award via Welsh Assembly and Public Health Wales.

Below you will find our sample menus. 

Families will be provided with actual menus.

Why not come and visit?

We’d love to show you and your little ones around our nursery and answer any questions you may have. To book a place or for further info please get in touch!

Get in touch